We know the particular pressures that church leaders are under and how this affects their marriages. We could list the pressures that we’ve seen but would run out of space but time, mental, spiritual & physical capacity and money can be particular stress points. And living out a marriage in a goldfish bowl environment just adds to that.
We have also seen first hand the devastation that occurs when a church leader’s marriage fails. So, we care. A LOT about these marriages and have created specific weekends for church leaders. On these weekends, couples will find a safe place where they can be themselves. We head out to a beautiful location (Breathe Ministries) where food is plentiful and good. In a guided self learning environment, Facilitators talk through their experience of marriage and God’s view and then give couples space to talk through specific subjects privately.
We would love for you to consider coming on one of our weekends? Please also read this great endorsement (and challenge!) from our hosts at Breathe who are former church leaders.
Endorsement from Phil & Marie-Anne Joiner of Breathe Ministries
Dear Friends,
We just wanted to bring to your attention the benefit of Time for Marriage.
Good friends of ours run this national organisation and we have seen first hand how so many relationships have been strengthened, restored and for some completely turned around by this weekend away.
I have had a conversation even in the last week where a church leader was facing two challenging pastoral situations that were to do with marriages. It can be so draining and have such a dramatic effect not only on the immediate parties but the ripples into the Church can be enormous. Please consider making this resource a regular recommendation to people in your congregation.
Can I be provocative? (To those of you who know me – I think you know the answer to that one!)
Many church leaders get loads of resources sent to them and they can be naturally wary as they do not want to recommend something they are not familiar with the teaching and whole experience. So church leaders can I challenge you to do Time for Marriage in the name of research! I say this because most church leaders don’t think they need it for themselves but I have a feeling that they will be pleasantly surprised. We host a number of these times specifically for Church leaders here at The Cwm. Be assured we are not involved in the sessions themselves so if you want things to be confidential and anonymous then they certainly will be.
Please check out their website https://timeformarriage.org.uk/
Blessings, Phil and Marie-Anne Joiner Breathe Ministries