We love hearing from couples who’ve experienced one of our weekends – here’s Will & Debbie Elliot’s story
We attended the ‘Time for Marriage’ weekend away in Totnes, Devon. The location was beautiful and just the right setting for us to relax and focus on ‘just us’.
Newly weds
Although we were only 8-months married at the time, it has been one of the best things we did in our first year. It was inspiring and encouraging to be led through the course by Teaching Couples at different stages in their marriage and with a variety of backgrounds. One Teaching Couple, Adrian and Jane spent some time with us for the 2:2 session which had clearly been planned by God, as there was so much we could relate to in our backgrounds and personalities and the way in which that can affect how you build the early stages of your marriage.
We originally went on the course to increase our prayer life together, but we received so much more. It gave us time to truly connect, talk and plan.
3-monthly ‘TfM’ review
Because of the impact, we have our diary booked out for 3-monthly ‘TfM’ reviews in which we choose a section of the course to go back over and see if there’s any implemented actions we want to change or add. We are making this a lifetime routine, as we believe the material will always be relevant to keep our marriage healthy in the way God intended.
Looking ahead
We hope to also have a lifetime connection to TfM, as we wholeheartedly believe they are doing something that God has given them a vision for to help two people be the best they can be as one; not perfect, but real, deep and unified throughout the challenges and joys of life. Oh, and the food is fabulous and the ‘cooks’ work very hard. Thank you, TfM team!